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BEING TRUE | Finding Inspiration Around You

How did you do it all?

We have been getting quite a few emails and questions on how the new branding and site started to come together for us this past week. Which thank you for all of the love. Seriously, we have been overwhelmed by the amount of views, comments, and emails we received showing your support.

You might have seen on Friday, our post about creating our inspiration boards over a year ago? Well that is where it allll began for us.  Starting to look for a way and images that would represent the mood, look, feeling, and ideas we had of where to take the new brand of MBP… Taking our dreams and putting them into a visual inspiration, 2-deminsion, how to guide. Now that is a task!

I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I would ask Jake, “Don’t you see that? Can’t you just climb into my head and see that I mean?!” Once our board was completed, it was only then that we both sat there and really got it.

Okay, so I say go create an inspiration board. Great. How? Pintrest is an amazing place to start. (I feel like a dinosaur by admitting Pintrest wasn’t even Pintrest when we started all of this.) But most importantly, STOP thinking about what you think you should have, or should be. Stop worrying about what you think others might want to see, or what you think clients would like. That is the biggest mistake you could ever make.

This isn’t an easy thing to do either. To just stop thinking. With the photography and wedding community, its nearly impossible. Someone, somewhere will always challenge you to scratch your entire plan because there is something bigger and better. A new way of doing things, an awesome new product, a whatever it is that didn’t exists last week.  They will suck you dry and make you second guess everything you are doing. Do not, I repeat do not let this change you, what you love, or the ideas you have to be or do better. Instead use it an inspiration. How can you take what you are doing already and push it to the next level??

That’s how we did it. We stopped thinking. We stopped talking. We just stopped everything and just sat. We took it all in, we looked around our home and our lives, and really soaked it all in. We asked ourselves, if it could be anything, and look any way we wanted, what would that look like? That was the moment we saw it, the moment it all came together. We had a color scheme; A pallet of amazing colors that we knew we loved. Why? Because they were the colors and ideas that we were already surrounded with, in our home.

The blue you see adorning our walls in the meeting space and office? Valspar paint in Hematite. It was already the color of our master bathroom. The tan, well that is on our main walls. Bleaker Beige, from Benjamin Moore. And the grays, we pulled those from our bedding.

What about the different blues, if one was our bathroom color? We took it to the next level. I LOVE the sky, and could stare at it for hours watching the clouds go by. So Jake pulled a cloud image and layered them. Our background, is from the inspiration of letterpress and typography (which says Believing In Simple Love). Layered linen, from our couch. Everything you see in the meeting space and office in the form of decorations we all ready had. Not so neatly placed and pulled together sure, but it was here. Just waiting.

Where is this all going? Well that’s just it… You see, we used what we loved. That is how we pulled it together. In all actuality we didn’t have to do anything but to be still and look. The moment you make your brand about you, it becomes you. Because you are who it is becoming. Wait, what??

Okay, let’s make it simple. You are your brand. We have all heard this a thousand times, right? But it is so true!! Everything you love, everything you are, this is what makes you, you. And that is exactly what you should be putting forward. So be still. Stop to look. Stop to soak it all in. Stop being what you think you should be, and just be.

This is who we are, and that is how we did it.

Gabrielle von Heyking - Loved hearing you talk about your branding and your process of finding out what you love and who you are 🙂

Joy Woods - Your branding is wonderful, and it is such a relief to know I’m not the only one who seems to sometimes think that there is a “better brand” waiting for me. I should be content with what I’ve come up with, and think about what the client wants & needs.

Heather - I JUST went through the branding process myself. It’s quite a journey! Especially when you are trying to brand yourself on a budget! HA! BUT, if you can find a great team to help build your vision, it is a very cool journey indeed! To see what you’ve envisioned come to life…it’s difficult to put into words! 🙂 Great post!

MB - You ladies are spot on! It is such a journey, but an amazing one. You will feel so great taking it on, and really stopping to look around you and who you really are in life. The moment you see that, the rest is cake!

Connie - For some reason, branding is one of those things that I have just put to the side for all the reasons you understand. Nothing seems to be good enough or if I make a decision then I have to live with it for a long time and what if it’s wrong? I need to start fresh and decide what my branding should be. Thanks for the inspiration!

Kelly - Love your branding and it’s so true you have to stop and figure out who you are. I really had no idea I liked colors and lines so much until I started working on my branding.

Jessica King - I didn’t see your branding before now, but what you have now is beautiful! I’m in the process of re-branding, and through creating a Pinterest board with only things I loved, I’ve realized that my current branding is more what I *thought* my branding should look like, but not completely me. I can’t wait until I see how everything comes together 🙂

Sara - It’s been a beautiful journey watching this come together!! I love how I know who you are online is who you are in real life!! You guys rocked it out!!! LOVE it all!! Now to go find myself 🙂

INSPIRATION | From the beginning

What a year this has been for us at MBP!

We started out the year in January, taking the entire month off from the front end of the business. Taking the time to breath, and to really start to put our dreams in place. Start kicking them into high gear, so to speak. After all, our growing list wasn’t going to start crossing things off of by itself! We knew we needed to start somewhere, and it need to be inspiring. Remember back when Pintrest didn’t exist?? This is where it all began, and it looked a little like this…

Step one: Create an inspirations board.

Step two: Squeal with delight when it is done because you are so in love.

Step three: Panic when you realize that you have no idea where to take all of this.

Let’s re-visit how this all began shall we? This is what is looked like in the beginning for us:

 Sitting in our hotel room on the bed across from one another… The bed covered with lab tops, binders, and notebooks. With the pages full of ideas and plans spread everywhere, we stare at each other.

Overwhelmed by ideas and dreams, yet sitting in the reality of where we actually were on our journey…

If you remember, in November we were lucky enough to pack up and head to New Haven, CT  for a mentor session with the ever-so-kind, wonderful, and talented Justin and Mary. They opened up their home and hearts, time and life to us. They challenged us as a team, as people. They challenged Jake in his supporting role behind the scenes, and me as a woman, wife, photographer and mother. Mostly, we explored and we were challenged with where we are in our journey, where are heading, and how we want to get there.

Were we inspired? Definitely. Overwhelmed… 100%. We were given ideas and tasks to move forward with, asked thought provoking questions (that I thought we had fully know the answers to) when we walked through their door and openly asked who are you, what do you portray, but mostly what do you love?

We returned to our hotel room after hours and hours of talking, thinking, planning, questioning, eating and dreaming with Justin and Mary. I flopped on the bed. Tears streaming down my cheeks, laying in a heap of self pity, I WAS LOST. Lost in a dream of what I wanted, lost in newly realized challenges (personally and professionally) and lost in the fact that I had a LOT to do to when we got home!

I didn’t want to do it. It was going to be hard and full of self exploration. I was pouting and be stupidly stubborn. What was the point anyways?  I wanted the answers and I wanted them handed them to me. Don’t get me wrong here. Justin and Mary gave us hundreds of answers and it was an AMAZING experience. All of it. But more importantly, in this experience  I was poked and prodded. Asked to search and challenged to embrace the journey.

We were home and back on our own turf… It took a few weeks of thought (and again, with the self pity) to really grasp what the heck was going on here with us and the studio. But, after those few weeks, that is when most of it hit me. Whap! Like a giant board to the head. Now… Now we were ready to dive in… Now, I was more determined and inspired than ever!

Again, we sit staring at each other… Are they good ideas? Will they benefit the way we do business?  Will our clients embrace it all? How do you feel about it? No, how do you feel about it? Where do we start? Where are we going and more importantly how do we get there?? So many questions, so many ideas!

And with that, with self exploration comes change. Personally and professional. With new goals set and determination brewing like a wild fire, I say this. Get ready. It is a learning and growing process for the studio right now and really, I am so excited for all that is to come in the near future….

So here we are now just a few days into our dream. The new brand. The new home of MBP. Complete with our new website, an amazing meeting space, and the most inspiring office I have ever sat in. And you know what, it feels so good! Here is a look at where it all came from. A look at how I managed to get the inside of my head onto a visual inspiration to begin creating and pulling from. A set of inspiration boards, that I never once altered in the process, never once changed my mind on, and never once second guessed the path we were running full speed down.

Here is to a new home of MBP inside and out.

What inspires you?



MB CREATIVE | Mentor Session, Posing & Styling Workshop

This session was a such an amazing group effort. This was the very first session within our Posing & Styling Workshop. Thank you so much for everyone who came out to learn and challenge themselves to grow in their photography.

Here is the collection of images both from myself and our Associate Photographer, Lauren.

If you are interested in attending of of our MB CREATIVE Posing & Styling Workshops, email us at: