Melissa Beck Photography » Premier Wedding Photographer for New England and Colorado

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We are so incredibly blessed to have the family and friends we have in our lives. The over flowing amount of love and support that we have been receiving from day one since announcing the pending arrival of Baby Beck has been almost overwhelming! This little bundle of love growing in my belly… she is beyond blessed and lucky to have each and everyone of you all in her upcoming life, as are we. Just a few weeks ago we celebrated with my baby shower. What a shower it was. Talk about feeling loved!! My most favorite group of ladies in the world were kind enough to spend their time planning a WONDERFUL afternoon for me to enjoy.

It actually all started as far back as December! Both of my amazing grandma’s live in California… So naturally, I wasn’t expecting them to attend the shower in Colorado. Well, little did I know!!! Both of them flew out to surprise me a few days before the shower. It was beyond special to me to have them both here to celebrate this chapter in our lives. Thank you Mom, Grandma, and Oma for all of your love and creativity in keeping this a secret. It truly is something I will never forget.

I hope you enjoy the little glimpse into our lives and home though this new series I am going to be working on… Buried in Baby Land. That is really how we have been feeling. Buried! In love, support, happiness, joy, fear, excitement… you name it, we have been buried in it. We are so incredibly thrilled to meet this little miss who has been keeping me up all night lately. Something I know is not going to change for quite a while just yet πŸ™‚ Enjoy and THANK YOU to everyone for everything! Words are not enough for you all in our lives!!!!

My beautiful Dawn. You are such an amazing friend! I couldn’t imagine doing life without you!!!

Me and my Mama!

A preview pic of the yummy dessert table before guest started to arrive… MmMmm

So this little touch was something Jake and I threw in for our guests to partake in. (Ok, I did the work but Jake was a fantastic branch cutter!)

Our Wish Tree! And thank you everyone for all of your loving words of advice and encouragement. We have begun to scrapbook all of the circles of love to be able to share with baby at some point in her life. So when she is screaming at me that I don’t love or understand her during her teenage years (lol, I know it’s bound to happen, I did it to my mom), I can pull these out and remind her how loved she has been from day one. πŸ™‚

And now for the GRUB…

What’s some good grub without a few (and I say that lightly) desserts!! Hello sugar over load! πŸ™‚

Hello Marshmallow Pops! You were yummy!
So check out the “Spa Day” fun prize basket that Miss Rhonda won! Included was yummy wine, lotions and potions, bath bombs, pedicure set, massager, realxing eye mask… Everything a gril would need to induldge for an eveing. We had a ton of raffle tickets that were included within invitatiosn, given out for giving mamma-to-be a compliment, winning games, and for bring baby some diapers. (You ladies sticking rock BTW!! We actually totaled up all the numbers of diapers you all so generously gave us… 1,324!!) AMAZING. πŸ™‚ THANK YOU!

See that big open circle in the middle of the room? Yep that’s where my big ol booty was sitting while playing. And THIS awesome mess is just some of what we are so blessed to have to put away, enjoy, sort through, play in, and fall in love with once the festivities slowed down!!

I love you all!! Each and everyone of you. Thank you is not even close to enough to show our gratitude. (Which, I am still working on all of those for you guys) WE LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


Slow and steady wins the race right?!?

I am going to go with a yes on that one. Well at least when you have a MILLION ongoing projects at the same time. Here is the next step for babies room! LIKE IT?! Β And for those of you out there who are like me… I am a list maker! I will totally write something down just to be able to cross it off. Come on!!! Some of you guys do it too! So here is our baby room list… So far we have:

  • Painted walls
  • Primed crown molding
  • Installed crown molding
  • Caulked crown molding
  • Painted the crown molding
  • Cased the window
  • Caulked the window casing
  • Painted the window casing
  • Installed curtain rod and curtains
  • Designed dresser and crib
  • ***Insert millions and millions of things here for those projects!***
  • Almost completed dresser and crib…
  • Changed light fixture

And TRUST me, the list still goes on and on! 4 weeks and 4 days until our due date… Think we will make it?! Β I hope so, I have faith in my kick butt hubster and our dads! So stay tuned for the next “Buried in Baby Land” post with the final touches before we debut her entire room all decorated!

Walnut crib slat pieces…

Side two complete! And if it wasn’t sooooo dusty during all of the sanding projects, there would be solid picture proof that I have been helping with all of this. I was even nicked named Sanding Sally the other night.

We have drawers!!

A door, some knobs, and some final waxing and this bad boy will be ready to put in place in her room!

And last but not least.. The dog who is TERRIFIED of the vacuum, but who willing lays on the shop floor and can sleep through a table saw…



As you can all see, I am a bit behind in getting this Easter post up. Better late than never! So, would you believe me if I told you in the 5 years we have spent together, this is the first time Jake and I have dyed Easter eggs?!? Lame right? But again, I must pass this off to another “better late than never”… And what would our first egg dying experience be without making a smiling little boy and a little girl egg? Β πŸ™‚

I hope each and every one of you had a very blessed Easter weekend spent with family and friends.

For He has risen!